J E N N W E I S C A P T U R E s

timeless photographs

of your special moments


In 1999, I married my husband and best friend, Adam, in Dallas, Texas.
Our wedding was small, simple, and intimate. Nonetheless, it was more than I could have ever longed for. Since then, we've become parents to four beautiful children, met a ton of truly amazing couples and photographed their incredible weddings. We've traveled, adventured, and I've probably baked and eaten way too many chocolate cakes.

Every fabulous couple I've ever had the honor of meeting and photographing has a unique story of how they met and how they have grown together. I love getting to know couples and finding out what is most important to them. You deserve a photographer who can help you be confident in front of the camera but also able to capture those candid, emotional moments.  It's my job to make those timeless photos — images that capture what makes YOUR connection special — and that's exactly why I do what I do.